Well, it doesn't anger me as such but more annoys the hell out of me. Let me explain...
When a girl adds a guy on facebook or something of the likes just to tell they they're 'fit.' And after that - that's it. Also, when a girl has talks to a guy like this:
'Hiya babes, how're you hun? ly xxx.'
I mean, yes I call people 'babeee' when they're being actually cute but at least I actually tell a guy that he's beautiful when he is - they deserve it, right?
I hate the word 'hun' or 'hunni'.
But it angers me because they don't actually say that the guy is nice or anything in the area, they just like to talk to them like that and add an insane number of kisses to the end of each sentence.
They also most likely don't hold any part of a good conversation with the person they are talking like this to. Come on, it's so much better to have full blown conversations than ones that are simply made up of these lines:
Hiya babess! xx.
You okay? xxx
Wuu2? xx
I g2g, bye! xxx
For God's sake - just speak to the person normally - please.
That's my complaints for the day over. :)