Monday, 15 March 2010

This is what Summer brings.

This is basically for a very lovely band. Summerskin. They are actually awesome. And rather great people too. :) I like the second photo best.

Hello again.

I realise that I have lacked in posts, however, this is mainly because I have had no time to post. Also, when I have had the time, I have simply not been motivated in any way at all.
Things haven't been going well recently. If I am completely honest, it seems as though, since day one of 2010, everything has gone badly.
I don't mean to sound all depressive in any way, so therefore I shall write about something else.

However, I'm still going to complain.
Girls who are 17, resemble the face of a pig and write laughable things in their facebook status, with the vocabulary of a school-drop-out-smoking-crack Chav make me lose faith in all humanity.
I just do not understand how these kind of people are able to form any kind of relationship with another human.
Whoever first allowed their child to become one of these worldwide-hated Chavs, without kicking them out and disowning them, should actually be very, very ashamed of themselves.

Year 7s annoy me.
I completely understand that I was one of these, all those 5 years ago, and people probably disliked me, but they are so short! Yes, I am short, but I do not gather with a collection of friends and stop in the middle of the corridor. I have literally tripped over them countless times. This is 60% of the year, the remaining 40% are either abnormally tall and look down on you, or are utter, deficient chavs.

On a brighter side,
I have decided that, although my friends are great and I realise they have fun, I am not going to purposely act as they do any more. At the end of the day, I will be how I am, and if they don't like that, they don't need to stick around. I like to take pictures, and think thoughtfully, and be angry at small things. This will not change. I hate people who swear in public, loudly. And kids who swear when they're in a park or some place where there are young children around with their parents. Whenever this happens, I always say something to the kids. It's just not right. They should learn better.

Recently, I've found a new love for analysing words. I like to read thoughtful things and understand peoples views. I also love to read song lyrics. That's my favourite. But this is a bit personal, so yeah..I sound like such a geek. And honestly, I don't care. These are the little things that I do, which I guess, makes me - me? I don't particularly like to read poems though, for some reason, 80% of the time they anger me. I don't know why. I know poems are just like lyrics, but I always feel as though the poet thought so much about what they were writing, and wanted to make it especially thoughtful and 'poet-like'.

I am a little bit cool sometimes, you know?
I find it particularly hilarious to sit on webcam with someone while both reading through someone's profile (usually a chav) and watching each other's reactions to what the person has posted, it's a bit of a LOL! ;]

I have a 10 hour art exam which starts tomorrow, 5 hours tomorrow, 5 hours on Wednesday.
My topic is about musicians & lyrics. It makes me happy. :)

Shower time,
Adios amigos,

Friday, 5 March 2010

They're the coolest.

My family. :)

They came up from London yesterday for my Nan's funeral.

I love my Uncle, he's funny. 'Get a gun.' :D

I miss my Nan.