Saturday, 15 August 2009

Take That: The Circus Tour 2009 26.06.09

I've decided that it's time to write a short review of the best night of my life! Just because I have nothing bettr to do right now (:

26th June 2009.

Me and my friend Amelia were up and on our way the Old Trafford Cricket Ground at about 9am. I hardly had any sleep either because I was too excited! We chatted to lots of people in the queue and even got a light balloon each from a lovely lady(which we used on the second night!). I was surprised at how nice most of the fans were...but there were also some not very nice ones...Luckly the sun was shining all day and I even got sun burnt! Once we got through the gates after 6 and a half hours of queuing we ran to the front even when stewards tried to stop us running(sorry about that stewards! Haha) and we made it to the barrier...

There were two lovely ladies behind us, Jo and Helen, who we want to thank so much for looking after us during the show! I didn't expect people to actually care about other people there but these women were so nice! If it wasn't for them we'd have probably ended up being pushed away from the barrier so thank you!

Gary Go was amazing, me and Amelia have fallen in love with his guitarist, Andreas!

James Morrison was....'arrh!' :D He was amazing(this word will be used a lot!). We were singing along to every song and we even ended up on the screens about 5 times!

Take That were beyond amazing! Seriously, they were better than I could ever imagine! We befriended some of the dancers/clowns :D And Mark waved/smiled at us, got the camera and pointed at us! Then started laughing when we jumped up and down screaming :D And Jason pointed during Hold up a light! It was so good! The echo of singing/cheering was scary but wow at the same time :) I couldn't have asked for anything better!

I want to go back...(: A review for the 28th will be added too!

Adios, xxx.

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