Tuesday, 17 November 2009

I like my incapability of using perfect English.

So, we're not all perfect. But clearly we all have to be in this world.

You have just under 5 years on me Mr.

It is not my fault that it is easy to just write a status in 1st person without realising people actually read it as 3rd person. I do not care about that, really. You only seem to be the one that cares. -.-

And yes, I may not listen all that much in English but I like Shakespeare and I also only become distracted by my phone (which I swear vibrates when I have no message and my battery is also full...) once I have finished the work. But yes, I am getting As at the moment so I think that's okay. At least I can use upper and lower case letters correctly! (I love you really, Charliee ;P)

Also, how the hell is it possible for anyone to write so much in one post?! :)


Why do boys/men/guys become so hugely obsessed with a game for a PS3/X-Box/name the rest... Seriously, I think these people need to see doctors. ALL YOU ARE DOING IS SHOOTING PEOPLE. If someone is so greatly entertained by doing this, I don't think they should be allowed to be in the presence of the general public every day. It is not right. They litterally fall in love with the game.


Msn name - 'Modern Warfare 2' This is an 18 year old boy. And no, his name is not Modern Warfare 2. Why is it needed? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE 18 YOU SAD CHILD NOW PLEASE GET A LIFE. It angers me so much, only girls should get obsessed with things! ;)

This made me smile today...

Marry me now, Mr Jackman? ;)

Anyway, I need to go and have a shower.

Adios amigos


1 comment:

  1. Haha boys and their love for violence. I guess they just feel that adrenaline rush killing people and using macho guns...
    At least their not out actually killing real people... wow. Thats a scary thought. :/
