Thursday, 24 December 2009


Wednesday, 23 December 2009

List of hate.

So everyone has them thinsg that they hate/really, really dislike. Here I am to name mine:

#1 - Abusive Chavs. - I need no explaination here. All I can say is - think about other people for once.

#2 - Orange people getting away with everything. - Yes, their orange faces which are a completely different colour to their necks. Belts for skirts. Strawlike extensions. I could go on. Yet they somehow manage to get away with everything. I blame men.

#3 - Pathetic agumentative people. - These people will start an argument within a minute of starting to speak to you. Their arguments will be pathetic and petty too. I see no need for it.

#4 - 'Urgh. They're shit.' - Yes, I understand you have a different view to me and like competely different things. But face it, not everyone likes the same thing. Allow me to like my music as I allow you to.

#5 - Ppl tht tlk lyk dis init. - No, just no. Don't do it for yourself. I'm sure all those years you've spent in school, 'not listening because you hate it' will have taught you at least some level of English Literature and Language.

#6 - People (both male and female) who are in love with themselves. - I am all for self love but there is no need to go beyond loving what you have to being completely in love with yourself and believe you are gods gift. If god did want you to be so great, I'm sure he would have made you that so that people can see it, not so that you have to do everything in your power to make people think it.

#7 - 'Yur gawjus bbe, u got cam?' - No. Go and find someone in real life that you actually know, you sad excuse for a human being.

#8 - Back stabbers. - I know it is healthy to bitch once in a while but please don't act so innocent in front of me and pretend that you actually like me and then say every piece of crap you can think of about me to my other friends. Especially if you're going to bitch to me about someone who said something bad about me when you know you're just going to do the exact same.

#9 - People who act like they're different when they know they're not. - I don't want to do the whole 'all guys are wankers - they all just want one thing(which in the majority is true - we can only blame mother nature for that one though)' route. But guys who act completely different in front of their mates then they do when they're just with you, it's clear they're just putting on a show.

#10 - Cheaters - No, not even cheaters. Just people who go from guy to guy or girl to girl. They break up with the person their with to get with another one. When everyone know their new 'thing' will only last a few weeks.

On a lighter note, the cut on Ziggy's paw is healing. (:

2 days until Christmas.

Two days until this whole build up is over for another year. Damn.
It shall be quite exciting though - it always is.

Also, it was my birthday on monday. GOOD TIMES.
I'm too tired to blog.

I shall just say - some people are cool. I like how people make me smile. :)

I like this picture. It looks normal. ;]

Sunday, 13 December 2009


It makes me laugh so much to know what people have been saying about me. Especially when they're my 'friends' and act so innocent.

Oh well, it's only two insignificant people.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

My nose tickles. It tickled throughout the 1 and a half hour exam and it still tickles.

4 hours, it's getting rediculous.

Beardy shaved his beard.

He now only has stubble.

I shall continue to call him Beardy. He now looks even nicer.

I need to befriend him. :)

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Fancy Dress.

I am going to my friends fancy dress party as this:
St Trinians whore FTW.
I was going to go like this:

I am not a slut btw. :)

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Justin Bieber...

...I'm proud of him simply because he has covered 'You and me' by lifehouse which is an amazing song. However, he has mixed it with 'I'll be' so it's rather different. He has also covered 'Love me' which is just rather cool. He's getting cooler ;]

He can play a guitar.
I just wish he would stop saying "Yo, yo" and "Shawty" and stop dressing like this:

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Sunday, 22 November 2009

New Moon.

I saw New Moon yesterday, 21.11.09. Let me just say, it was awesome! I actually really enjoyed it, it's better than Twilight. However, it is lacking in Emmett Cullen and Jasper Hale but at least they're still in parts of it.
The best part in the film:
"Dating an older woman? Hawt.......what?!" Aww I do love Emmett :).

Also, when Jasper tries to attack Bella, that is pretty funny simply because Edward causes Bella more damage by throwing her into the table and cutting her arm open. Also, is there any need to throw Jasper into the really nice piano and break it?!

These are deffinately the best people in the film:
Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper and Alice.

One more great thing about the film is the '15' year old, Jacob Black, has suddenly turned extreamely hot since turning 16!

The Wolf Pack are quite nice, I must say. ;]

I will be buying this on DVD!

Adios, xxx.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Jamie Afro!

I actually love Afroman!

Me, Beth and Becky went to watch him at the christmas lights switch on and we waited after and nearly everyone had gone. Then he came out and we were shouting 'Jamie, Jamie!' and he kept looking at us and grinning. Then I went 'Jamie!!' and pointed at my '<3>

He's amazing. His afro is actually bigger in real life!

I was a metre away from him <3.


Wednesday, 18 November 2009

I have come to the conclusion...

...that all decent guys are either gay or taken. Damn. -.-

'Mini' Helen Rabbitt.

AKA Rabbs.

This girl actually made me smile a moment ago because of a lovely post she blogged about me. :)
I must say she is actually very cool. I have only known her for about 5 months; since me and Amelia went to see Take That and she was texting/calling her. :) She is simply amazing because our lifes are rather similar. Take That + Derren Brown.

Woo, we're going to see Derren Brown together + her friend Sophie, in June 2010. I'm so excited! But that will be when I have my exams and I'll be leaving school so.... :/

Me and Amelia took Mini Helen to Croma for her birthday and that was hilarious! She actually makes me laugh far too much! Oh I'm worried for June...Derren Brown will be on stage doing some illusion and it will be silent and then suddenly they'll be hysterical giggling! He's going to think we're strange....dear god. Haha (:
Here are some pictures of the wonderful Cullen(Helen), Rabbs(Mini Helen) & Jasp(Amelia). :)

This is the amazing present Amelia and I bought/made for her :)

Us all in Croma :)

I love My Rabbs & Jasp lots. Best Friends, I say ;]

Adios xxx.

Piere. <3.

I have found out that not only am I half Welsh, I also have a bit of French in me which makes me eligible to speak to Piere :').


My last post may have seemed abit harsh, but I have my reasons. And, of course, I don't mean it. :)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Go and jump in a hole! -.-

I like my incapability of using perfect English.

So, we're not all perfect. But clearly we all have to be in this world.

You have just under 5 years on me Mr.

It is not my fault that it is easy to just write a status in 1st person without realising people actually read it as 3rd person. I do not care about that, really. You only seem to be the one that cares. -.-

And yes, I may not listen all that much in English but I like Shakespeare and I also only become distracted by my phone (which I swear vibrates when I have no message and my battery is also full...) once I have finished the work. But yes, I am getting As at the moment so I think that's okay. At least I can use upper and lower case letters correctly! (I love you really, Charliee ;P)

Also, how the hell is it possible for anyone to write so much in one post?! :)


Why do boys/men/guys become so hugely obsessed with a game for a PS3/X-Box/name the rest... Seriously, I think these people need to see doctors. ALL YOU ARE DOING IS SHOOTING PEOPLE. If someone is so greatly entertained by doing this, I don't think they should be allowed to be in the presence of the general public every day. It is not right. They litterally fall in love with the game.


Msn name - 'Modern Warfare 2' This is an 18 year old boy. And no, his name is not Modern Warfare 2. Why is it needed? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE 18 YOU SAD CHILD NOW PLEASE GET A LIFE. It angers me so much, only girls should get obsessed with things! ;)

This made me smile today...

Marry me now, Mr Jackman? ;)

Anyway, I need to go and have a shower.

Adios amigos


Monday, 16 November 2009

Gary Go answered my questions!

Okay, I may be a little excited simply because he supported Take That on tour and also commented on my drawing of him, but it is still cool!

'1) As your career is growing, what are you most looking forward to/hoping for in the future?
2)If you could only do one - write the songs or be the person singing the songs - which would it be & why?
Oh and, if you could be best friends with one person in the whole world, who would it be?
I'm looking forward to seeing the answers :P '

'Hi Helen!!!! Thanks for coming to say hi...sorry it's taken me AGES to answer these questionz...Boy Obsolete never told me about this little Q and A!!!! 1) I am looking forwards to making a second album and traveling to places I haven't been to before, to influence the music. 2) I would write the songs! First and foremost that's my love...I came to the singing through the writing I think... 3) Maybe it would be you??? Would you be a good best friend?? The position is still open! x'

So basically - yes I would be a best friend, and seen as the position is still open I declare myself Gary Go's new best friend. :)

Good times!

Adios amigo

Saturday, 14 November 2009

I can feel the scar in the back of my head

I don't like it.
Although it is kind of the shape of a T which is quite cool :)


Playing a guitar imediately makes a guy HOT.

If your voice was as nice as your face


Friday, 13 November 2009

Jason Mraz

I like him. I would like to steal one of his hats.

I am also going to learn to play the guitar. Because that would make me cool. :)

It made me smile.

I made a beautiful-person friend today.

He can be added to my beautiful-people-friend list ;] (Not that I litterally have a list....haha)

Is it just me...

...or are penguin bars getting smaller?!

Have you tried those wafer ones? They're actually addictive :)

I need to clean my desk.

New Plan!

I've decided I'm not going to get annoyed with things too much anymore. It's pretty pointless anyway. However, everytime I try and walk away 'it' just has to make a comment, doesn't it? But to be honest I'm not going to try anymore, or go out of my way when all I get is everything thrown back at me.

I don't need people like that.
They can just go and live their lives without me in it :)


Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Just because

My blog is far too cool, you know...the best blog on the internet...

So Charrles wants to be on it.
I mean, I can understand why; he likes all the hot guy pictures like this one:

Olly Murs. He is niceee :) Not overly hot though...but anywho, back to Charliee or he may complain.

The only reason Charles is allowed to be mention on this blog is because he is incredibly awesome. Obviously.

Although he can play guitar which makes him pretty damn cool. I'm going to learn to play guitar one day.

It's not fair, I want to be able to play guitar. No fair Charles!

He also stole my shirt - yes, myyy shirt, mwahahahaa.

I'm cool :) Not as cool as him?

One day(soonish) Charles will be famous - won't you? Because then he can tell the world how cool I am and get me VIP to places with all amazing people which will make me amazing too. I'm waiting on that, man! Haha ;]

But then he'll turn into one of them snobby famous people who hate everyone who isn't famous....not good, my friend, not good at all.

So yes, when he is famous because of his coolness, watch this space! (I've always wanted to say that....)

Adios amigo!


Derren Brown

In June 2010! Jealous? You should be. :)

4th row!
Good times.


Does he need any explaination?


Take over.

I didn't realise how much art takes over my life. It's not good!
But I will continue to draw because I sometimes get paid for it. :)

I like beautiful people; they make me happy. Nice hair and nice eyes....yum.
I also like this song...

'Cause I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
When youve reached the bottom
It's now or never

Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all'

I don't know why, but it's a good song. :)

But yes, I think my hot dogs are burning - if that's possible?
Adios amigo

Monday, 2 November 2009

Loch Ness

Is huge! It's the biggest Loch I've ever seen. Haha.
I was in Scotland last week, with the family for my Grandad's 90th. It wasn't too bad.
The view was amazing. The house was huge. It was up a big, big, big 'hill' (mountain more like!) next to the Loch Ness. It was so hard to get up the small, quiet, muddy track in the dark in our car! The rain was crazy yesterday day though on the way home, since I woke up until I went to sleep! No wonder many places in Scotland were flooded!

It was nice though :) Shame I had no internet or signal!

Hmm, talking about signal - I really need new people's numbers! Or at least some better people because hardly any of my friend are worth texting because I just get one word answers back! It's rather annoying. Oh well, I'll just have to be happy with 'Yea.' As a reply. -.-

I must go now, I have to revise, do coursework and I can smell my tea cooking!


Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Peter Pan time!

This film is cool.

Jeremy Sumpter has nice eyes in the film.

Long time...

I've not posted in a while, sorry about that.

First things first, I'm not at home for Halloween, I'm in Scotland. Disaster. I was looking forward to it too, I had my outfit planned and everything. But I guess my
Taid's 90th birthday is quite important. I'll just have to wait another year. Oh, I need to go and pack my bag for Inverness.
We're staying a night in Carlisle too
because the drive up is too long. How cool is that?! Is it sad that I'm excited just because it reminds me off Carlisle from Twilight. Yes, I thought so. Never mind, I'm
cool like that :).

I was walking around the other day, Thursday to be exact, and I realised just how much 'orange' people annoy me. You all know what I mean - we all know one.
The girls who feel the need to cake their faces in make-up, wear lots of extentions that look like straw and use far too much fake tan. I mean, I'm all for fake tan
now and again but no, it's not a good look when you've used that much that you've litterally turn orange (or a strange brownie-orange colour if you buy a good
) and you can clearly see smudges down your arms and legs because you are too incapable to put it on correctly. If you can't put it on without messing it up,
why put it on everyday?!?! It makes me want to throw them into a wall. (I'm not usually visious but grr. it angers me so much).

Oh. Dear. God. My friend's idol is Paris Hilton. Why oh why oh why? I was 'discussing' with her why Paris is not amazing. She's hasn't done anything to become
famous, it's all her dad's working. Well actually she did try and fail at a singing career. My friend's reply? 'Yeah she's a model! She's the new face of (I can't
)' Have I seen her advertising it? No. Not that I want to. I just don't understand why paparazzi waste their time chasing her around and why
magazine's waste a whole lot of money on buying pictures of her. What's the world coming to? Will there ever be a day when people who actually do a lot or
good in the world get paid lots? Get lots of people wanting to get their picture? Will the world go on to give people millions for doing nothing. Of course it will.
There's no way it'll change. I blame men. Haha (: Not all men, just a fair few.

Croma time tomorrow! I really can't wait, I haven't been in about 3 months. I miss the waiters, they're lovely. I hope tomorrow they seat us downstairs because I
can't be walking up and down those stairs everytime I need to check my make-up. Knowing me I'll fall. I also hope my lovely waiters serves us; he's ace. I'll try and
upload a few pictures of Mini Helen opening her present (It took me and Amelia two ours to wrap the box!) So yes, tomorrow shall be fun. I just need to some how
get there, stupid trains. No-one even likes trams! It's going to take us an hour to get their on the bus unless we pay double to get a bus to the train station in
Rochdale then the train to Manchester. But that's just too much hassle.

I'm also going to Croma on my birthday because I'm awesome. I shall also be going on the big wheel but it only lasts 13 minutes, what's with that?! I hope it snows
after we go on it because that would be perfect. If it snows while we're on it we won't be able to see all of Manchester out of the glass. If it rains...I'll cry. :)

I have about 100 other things to rant about but I'll leave that for another post. :)
So I'll just leave you with this:

He is beautiful. It's his hair & eyes & face.
I don't care that he is over 40 in this picture.
Adios, xxx.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Today his eyes were a different colour.

I'm reading Twilight at the minute, I'm determind to finish it soon so that I can read New Moon before the film is out. I'm a slow reader though...

I do love this book :) and the film. I must say, Carlisle is rather nice ;]...then I watched the whole film and Jasper is cuteee!

Books shouldn't be able to make people love a character! Never mind...(:I would marry this man right here. ;]

I would like this family to be real. I would happily be a part of it. :P

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Results day...

Yes, today is results day and I had to receive my result for my Statistics exam. I've been worrying all day, expecting a C or D or something bad. But I needn't have worried, I got an....A! :D

I'm really proud tbh.

So yes, that's all, you can all be proud for me ;]

Adios! xxx.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Sometimes I just wish...

...My life could be more like a movie - maybe School of Rock. The even when things go wrong they'd still be the 'perfect ending'. Also maybe everything would go great then.

Why do things seem to go wrong so often? I hate it when plans change within seconds and when arguments start within the blink of an eye.
My life seems so invisible at the minute, no-one seems to even notice anything that happens.

One day though, I want people to care about what I'm doing, where I'm going, where I shop, even what I eat for dinner! Then I can look back and say 'Yeah I had a great life!'

I'll keep dreaming for now though...(:

Adios, xxx.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Perfect only in her imperfection...

Song of the day:

She loves her mama's lemonade,
And hates the sounds that goodbyes make.
She prays one day she'll find someone to need her.

She swears that there's no difference,
Between the lies and complements.
It's all the same if everybody leaves her.

And every magazine tells her she's not good enough,
The pictures that she sees make her cry.

And she would change everything, everything just ask her.
Caught in the in between, a beautiful disaster,
She just needs someone to take her home.

I do like this song, it's pretty. Beautiful Disaster - Jon Mclaughlin. He's rather amazing, and thanks to a certain film (Enchanted) including a certain song (So Close) by Mr Mclaughlin himself I know love his songs. (:

So that's all good really. Oh, I'm going camping tonight...I hope this rain stops!

Adios, xxx.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

I'm smiling right now...

Next week I am seeing my best friends. I haven't seen them in a long time :( I missed them. We're going bowling. FUN TIMES! (:

I don't really like football...But I have suddenly grown a liking for Everton. This is all because of a person who showed me one of their new away shirts. I must admit these shirts are hot. I must get one sometime...! So thank you for that, lovey. (:

On the other hand...I still need to do my English and Geography coursework :(

I also have an Opticians opointment later, which I'm not looking forward to.

Adios, xxx.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Hero, now that you are free...

...You have no need to fear, so go out and find your smile. <3

I'm sat here yet again wasting my days with my laptop.

Do you ever wish that you could just grab a video camera and walk. Walk for hours and hours and video the world? Like in a film how someone walks through their town dancing along to a random song. Well sometimes I wish I could walk away from my life for a short while and see what the rest of the world is like.

In the words of Mark Owen...

Like a candle,

Like a snowfall,

Like a feather,

Like a bird:fly away...(8)

But maybe I'd take my friends with me (:

Adios, xxx.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Pass me a sketchbook!

I've been drawing recently - I like to draw it's fun - and this is what happens when I am given a sketchbook, pencils & a picture of Gary Barlow as a clown....

I'm quite happy with it really - it's not perfect but it's not too bad (:
Then yesterday I decided to try and draw Gary Go (He was the support for Take That on their recent tour) and it's not finished yet - some touch ups need to be made and the text needs to be coloured red - but it's okay. It's not as good as I'd hoped but I'm quite pleased with it. I posted it on twitter to him and.....he said it's beautiful! :D Yeyyyyy I'm happy, happy, happy now (:
It also got me a few more followers on twitter too :D

I've been told I should draw Andreas (Gary Go's guitarist) so I've's not going really well tbh :/.
I've also been asked by someone on facebook to draw their kids! I'm really surprised! I'm scared though, I really don't have enough confidence to draw someone's kids incase I go wrong!
But for now...I shall continue to draw...
Adios, xxx.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Skateboards dislike me...

So today I was at my sister's friend's house in the backgarden on her skateboard. I haven't been on one in about 5 years.
I was thinking about maybe buying one again and taking it up - it seems fun. And then I fell. Not a little trip over but you know them big falls that little kids do when they trip over something? Well, yes, it was one of them. Flat on my face - I landed on my hands and now my wrists still hurt :(
I stayed lay on the ground for about 5 minutes after - I was tired. Then I found the funny side of it and started laughing!

But yes, I won't be buying one....

Adios, xxx.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Take That: The Circus Tour 2009 28.06.09

We met Take That!
So me and Amelia stayed at my aunty's appartment after the show on friday then found out that the hotel Take That were staying in was across the road! So we went the next day and met them! I told Howard I loved him :P I'm also on Take That's itunes pass on the Manchester & London spectacular! Howard's two daughters were there, they're so cute, and Mark's son was there who is absolutely adorable!
I never thought it could happen but sunday managed to top friday! Me, Amelia and Becky went a little early than on friday and chatted to more people in the queue, some people are so nice :) We got to the exact same place (litterally!) and the Steward who had been stood on the other side of the barrier on friday was in the same place on the sunday so we befriended him :) Gary Go was just as amazing and Lady Gaga was supposed to be there but she didn't turn up so we got The Script in stead who were amazing! I was so happy! Danny from The Script even came onto the stage in a Lady Gaga wig!
We befriended another dancer/clown this day too and he kept dancing for us (:
Jason dropped his pants! It took 3 minutes and 50,000 people chanting 'off' with the encouragement of Gary, Howard and Mark and Gary telling him he 'can't upset 50,00 people' it was the only night of the tour that he did it, he wouldn't do it on friday!
On my video of Up all night, Jason looks down at my camera while singing 'Why won't you marry me' and my camera just shakes everywhere and you can hear a heck of a lot of screams! It makes me laugh (:
During Never Forget I think Mark recognised us because we were in the exact same spot and we'd met him the day before because he looked and smiled then went :O and shouted something to us (our reply was ARRHHHH! Hehe) then went 'C'mon, sing!' and did a little hand gesture which was so cute! Jason also pointed at me durning Rule the World and stared with this amazing look on his face but I think it was the light up balloons that we had that helped us to get noticed! Seen as we were waving them all over the place and screaming at the top of our voices!
I still can't believe how amazing it was...(:

Take That: The Circus Tour 2009 26.06.09

I've decided that it's time to write a short review of the best night of my life! Just because I have nothing bettr to do right now (:

26th June 2009.

Me and my friend Amelia were up and on our way the Old Trafford Cricket Ground at about 9am. I hardly had any sleep either because I was too excited! We chatted to lots of people in the queue and even got a light balloon each from a lovely lady(which we used on the second night!). I was surprised at how nice most of the fans were...but there were also some not very nice ones...Luckly the sun was shining all day and I even got sun burnt! Once we got through the gates after 6 and a half hours of queuing we ran to the front even when stewards tried to stop us running(sorry about that stewards! Haha) and we made it to the barrier...

There were two lovely ladies behind us, Jo and Helen, who we want to thank so much for looking after us during the show! I didn't expect people to actually care about other people there but these women were so nice! If it wasn't for them we'd have probably ended up being pushed away from the barrier so thank you!

Gary Go was amazing, me and Amelia have fallen in love with his guitarist, Andreas!

James Morrison was....'arrh!' :D He was amazing(this word will be used a lot!). We were singing along to every song and we even ended up on the screens about 5 times!

Take That were beyond amazing! Seriously, they were better than I could ever imagine! We befriended some of the dancers/clowns :D And Mark waved/smiled at us, got the camera and pointed at us! Then started laughing when we jumped up and down screaming :D And Jason pointed during Hold up a light! It was so good! The echo of singing/cheering was scary but wow at the same time :) I couldn't have asked for anything better!

I want to go back...(: A review for the 28th will be added too!

Adios, xxx.


Grrrr...why do people annoy me so much? They must do it on purpose.

It really does angry me the fact that I always seemed to be left out and not even acknowledged anymore...pfft.

Adios, xxx.

Friday, 14 August 2009

My cat steals my laptop?!

It looks like I have a new companion...

One of my beautiful cats, Ziggy. He loves the computer...I'm sure he'll soon be stealing it off me to check out the latest tweets on twitter! But for now I can keep him away..(:

I bought a new jumper today, it's like one that Gary Barlow has (well actually three that he has!) so it makes me smile (: That's not why I bought it though, I just like men jumpers - they're so comfy! It's green!

But that's all for now...Adios, xx.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Maybe an introduction is needed...

Helen Davies (:
Being half Welsh and half English is quite fun. Sometimes people expect me to have a Welsh accent or at least a little hint of one but infortunately I don't, it does make me laugh though; 'I thought you were Welsh?!' Haha.

These people make me smile...

The lovely Take That (: Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Jason Orange and Howard Donald. I'm sure there will be future post about them including their tour! <3.
What do you need to know about me? I draw, take pictures and smile a lot!
Adios xx.